Beyond the Resume: Hiring for Talent

2 min readJan 24, 2023


Do you know the difference between hiring for talent and hiring for skill?

When it comes to hiring new employees, many managers and businesses tend to focus on finding candidates with the specific skills and qualifications needed for the job. But many have come to find…

An exclusive focus on skill and experience can lead to overlooking some really great candidates who may not have the exact qualifications, but have the potential to excel in the role.

That’s where hiring for talent comes in.

Talent refers to a person’s natural aptitude or ability in a particular field or task. It’s that extra something that can’t always be taught, and it’s what makes a person stand out in a particular role. Instead of just looking for candidates with the specific qualifications, why not also focus on finding those who have the potential to excel?

Are they coachable?

Do they exhibit a desire to learn new skills, challenge and grow in unfamiliar territory?

By shifting away from a “skills only approach” businesses have access to a wider pool of candidates, leading to a more diverse and dynamic workforce.

We’re not saying skills should be disregarded

Now of course, hiring for skill is important too. You want to make sure that your candidates have the necessary knowledge and abilities to perform the job. Someone who is completely incompetent will end up costing your business more and ultimately just waste your time. But skills can be taught. So it’s important to consider other factors such as personality and soft skills like communication, teamwork and problem-solving. These can have a huge impact on a person’s ability to perform and excel in a role, and it’s important to take them into account when hiring.

People are not only their resumes and skills. Character, attitude and soft skills play a major role in their productivity and general attitude on the job.

Empathy is another powerful characteristic employers should look out for. Top talent should be able to understand, relate and communicate with people, in a way that they feel understood and respected. This creates better alignment within teams, a workplace where employees feel safe and a healthy culture.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to hiring

By hiring for talent, you can create a more diverse and dynamic workforce that brings fresh perspectives and new ideas to the table. This can lead to increased productivity, better collaboration, and ultimately, greater success for your business.

These attributes cannot always be picked up from a resume. Hiring for Talent requires a new approach to recruitment, a shift in mindset and a willingness to test.

The long-term benefits of hiring for talent can be a game-changer for businesses.

So what do you think? Are you open to hiring for talent?




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